Poems up at Verse Virtual

Thanks to Firestone Feinberg, editor of Verse Virtual, for featuring three of my poems in the June 2019 edition of his fine online journal.

Poem in Blue Heron Review

I'm so pleased that my poem "You can tell which pictures my mother took" has been published in Blue Heron Review, Issue 11, Winter 2019. This is one of my favorite recent poems, so I am happy it has found this first home online. The issue is filled with great…

Poetry collection on topic of migration

I am proud to announce From Everywhere a Little: A Migration Anthology, which came about as a collaborative effort by my friend Lisa Vihos and I. The 100 page book features poets from Wisconsin, the U.S., and beyond. About this book, Wisconsin's newest Poet Laureate, Margaret Rozga said, "At home…

My Favorite Books and a Few Rambling Thoughts about Reading and Writing

Last night, I met with Lakeland University's Lit Lounge book club. They had read my novel A Hollow Bone for their September meeting. Beyond talking about the novel, there were questions for me about the writing process itself, and at one point, as inevitably happens for any writer, someone asked…